Heading into a New generation
APPS JAPAN will be held for the 10th time in 2023, offers an opportunity to check various apps encourage expansion of the app business. Various applications connected to the Internet such as smartphones, tablets, personal computers, TVs and digital signage are spreading and expected to be active in various scenes such as wearable devices, traffic, medical care, education etc. are introduced at once.
We will show you those apps in the exhibition.
The number of visitors 2023
35,886 (27,913)
38,232 (29,403)
44,990 (33,319)
119,108 (90,635)
※including co-located events
※( )2022
Special Contents

Digital Human technology today and future
Digital Human Technologies such as digital human avatars , digital twins , and Augmented Human are expected to expected to solve issues such as labor shortages and cost efficiency in many industries, as well as contribute to people in the medical and nursing care fields.
This project will be held as a joint project of Digital Signage Japan and APPS JAPAN,This event will also focus on the use of technology in digital signage and applications to create new value.

Explore the impact of the Generative AI
Conversational AI and image-generating AI, including ChatGPT, have also seen an explosion of users,We have reached a milestone in AI and business innovation.
As AI generation technology evolves, its potential and range of applications will continue to expand.
You will explore how generative AI will impact the business world.